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About the piece:



Semblance: 'the outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different'.


Conjoined with the production of cast nipples digital photography has over the last year emerged to become the forefront method of my practice, I have used this medium to capture the familiarity of the body but in turn through digital methods aimed to manipulated the viewer’s understanding of it. I have approached this through using a number of latex nipples stuck onto an actual person’s skin and then taken close up photographs of this. From this, I manipulated these by removing the colour from them as another way of defamiliarising the image further away from recognisable flesh tones. This strategy by presenting nipples without any gender signifiers allowed me to create a body of work that aimed to challenge the male gaze. The repetition of the nipples, albeit cast from a number of participants, prompted a more unsettling image and I saw this as perhaps making an audience question who they belong to and what the gender of them was. 


May 2018
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